Racing Regulations
In whatever discipline you chose to race it will be subject to the rules and regulations of the relevant governing body. For time trial events this will be the CTT (Cycling Time Trials) and for road, track or cyclo cross it will be BC (British Cycling).
It is the responsibility of each racing member to ensure they compete within the relevant rules and regulations as listed below:
Time Trials (CTT) – Regulations for the Conduct of Road Time Trials
Road or Track (BC) – Technical Regulations General and for Road, Track & Roller Racing
Cyclo Cross (BC) – Cyclo Cross Specific Regulations
Racing as a First Claim Member
Both Cycling Time Trials and British Cycling have their own regulations regarding racing in the name of your first claim club.
However that does not mean you cannot be a first claim member of more than one club provided you compete in separate disciplines under separate club names, for example time trialling in the name of one club while road racing in the name of another, but you cannot race for two different clubs in the same discipline.
Joining another CTT or British Cycling Affiliated Club
Any first claim member, that is actively racing, should give notice in writing to the Membership Secretary before joining another CTT or British Cycling affiliated club.
When the purpose is to race for another club in a different discipline this may not be an issue, but in some cases your membership might need to be changed to second claim.
Racing BC Open Events as a Second Claim Member
Riders must compete in the name of their first claim club for each discipline and as such second claim members are not eligible for any awards that may be offered to members of Eastbourne Rovers that are based on participation in Open Road, Track or Cyclo Cross events.
Racing CTT Open Time Trials as a Second Claim Member
Riders must compete in the name of their first claim club in any open time trial event and as such second claim members are not eligible for any awards that may be offered to members of Eastbourne Rovers that are based on participation in open events.
Racing CTT Club Time Trials as a Second Claim Member
Second claim members may take part in any Eastbourne Rovers club time trial event and receive any awards that may be offered to members of Eastbourne Rovers. This includes the club 10 and 25 mile championship but excludes the club 50 and 100 mile championships which are incorporated into open events where second claim members are racing in the name of their first claim club
Race Clothing for Open Events
Racing members are encouraged to race in the current club kit which was updated in 2015. Our current design is registered with BC and only the predominantly yellow version of this design is sanctioned for racing BC events. For CTT events both the current (including the predominantly black version) and the previous design are acceptable.
Both the CTT and BC have strict regulations regarding clothing and under no circumstances can a trade kit, or other clothing bearing advertising, be worn during any open events, this includes the old style Rovers kit carrying the Phoenix Cycles logo. These regulations do not apply to the Eastbourne Rovers Club events on a Thursday evening.
Racing as a First Claim Member
Both Cycling Time Trials and British Cycling have their own regulations regarding racing in the name of your first claim club.
However that does not mean you cannot be a first claim member of more than one club provided you compete in separate disciplines under separate club names, for example time trialling in the name of one club while road racing in the name of another, but you cannot race for two different clubs in the same discipline.